About the Conference

Welcome to the homepage of the Dmytro Shtohryn Ukrainian Studies Conference at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, now named in honor of Dr. Dmytro Shtohryn (1923 – 2019). The biennial conference takes place in the fall and is a continuation and celebration of Dr. Dmytro Shtohryn’s legacy.

Professor Shtohryn (author and editor of five books in English and Ukrainian, editor and member of editorial boards for five English and Ukrainian scholarly periodicals, and author of nearly sixty articles on American and Slavic librarianship and Ukrainian culture) studied at the Ukrainian Free University in Munich, University of Minnesota, and University of Ottawa, where he received his M.A. and Ph.D. in Slavic studies, as well as Bachelor of Liberal Studies in Library Science. Prof. Shtohryn and his wife, Eustachia, lived in Champaign since 1960, when he turned down a professional librarianship position at Harvard to join Laurence Miller, professor of library administration and the first head of the Slavic and East European Library, and the late Ralph Fisher, professor of history and the first director of the Russian and East European Center. During his 35 years at the university, Prof. Shtohryn helped to build the campus’ Ukrainian Studies program from the ground up and expanded the Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies collection from seven thousand to roughly half-a-million items. Dmytro Shtohryn retired as a professor at Illinois in 1995, but remained active in teaching Ukrainian language, literature, and culture, as well as supporting the Ukrainian Conference. He and Eustachia also established an endowment at the University of Illinois Foundation in the same year to further enrich the collection he’d been so pivotal in creating.