Ukrainian Studies Today: History, Memory, Representations, and Collections
Listed below are the Conference Program, Special Events, Keynote Speakers, Organizing Committee, and Sponsors.
Conference Program
All times are in US Central Time (Chicago); all events are held in the University of Illinois Main Library unless otherwise noted.
Thursday, October 5, 2023
9:00am – Welcome and Opening Remarks [Room 106]
Valeria Sobol & Joe Lenkart (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
9:30 – 10:45am – War and Language [Room 106] Moderator: Anna Whittington (UIUC)
“War and Language in the Humor of Contemporary Ukraine,” Kateryna Yeremieieva (Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport; Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich)
“Psychological Aspects of Young Ukrainians’ Language Behavior during the Russian-Ukrainian War: Analysis of Language Biographies,” Ivanna Tsar (Institute of the Ukrainian Language of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine)
“Актуалізація діалектного компонента як реакція на війну в Україні,” Oksana Sukhovii (Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv)
10:45 – 11:15am – Coffee Break
11:15am – 12:30pm – Popular Culture Responses to Russia’s War against Ukraine [Room 106] Moderator: Serhiy Bilenky (University of Alberta)
“Serhiy Zhadan Reimagined by Users on TikTok: Media Poetry as Resistance During the War,” Alyssa Virker (Stanford University)
“Парадигма жанрів українського інтернетлору воєнної тематики 2022-2023 рр.,” Olesia Naumovska (Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv)
“The Ukrainian Cultural Front: Support Ukrainophone YouTube,” Tetyana Dzyadevych (Grinnell College)
“Popular Music and Alternative Femininities in Russia’s War against Ukraine,” Iryna Shuvalova (University of Oslo)
12:30 – 1:30pm – Lunch Break
1:30 – 3:00pm – Education, Institutions, and National Debates and National Identity and Cultural Heritage in Post-Maidan Ukraine
Education, Institutions, and National Debates [Room 106] Moderator: Serhiy Bilenky (University of Alberta)
“Сільські бібліотеки Західної України періоду пізнього сталінізму (1944 – поч.1950-х років) як інструмент більшовицької пропаганди (Rural libraries of Western Ukraine in the period of late Stalinism (1944 – early 1950s) as an instrument of Bolshevik propaganda),” Galyna Starodubets (Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University)
“Україністика на сторінках «Великої Української Енциклопедії»: Проблеми та виклики репрезентації,” Ірина Шліхта (Національний транспортний університет)
“Russian Imperialist Bias in American Education: The Portrayal of Kyivan Rus’,” Oleksiy Fitel (Independent Scholar)
“The Fate of Philosophy in Ukraine after 1991,” Denys Kiryukhin (Lund University; Skovoroda’s Institute of Philosophy (NANU))
National Identity and Cultural Heritage in Post-Maidan Ukraine [Room 314] Moderator: Daria Semenova (UIUC)
“External Threat, War, and Ukrainian Solidarity,” Kyle Estes (Bradley University)
“Ukraine’s Cultural Heritage in Wartime: The Postcolonial Dimension (Культурна спадщина України у воєнний час: постколоніальний вимір),” Yevhen Rachkov (V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University; Indiana University)
“Fighting for Culture: Ukrainian Museums since the Full-scale War,” Valentyna Kharkhun (Mykola Gogol State University of Nizhyn)
“Holodomor Monuments on the Battlefield. Monuments and Memorials of the Great Famine 1932-1933 in the Post-Maidan Ukraine,” Wiktoria Kudela-Świątek (Pedagogical University of Cracow)
3:00 – 3:15pm – Break
3:15 – 4:45pm – Russia’s War against Ukraine: Trauma and Displacement [Room 106] Moderator: David Cooper (UIUC)
“Designing Anti-Human Trafficking Prevention Approaches in Ukraine,” Laura Dean (Milikin University)
“Specific Vulnerabilities Ukrainian Women in Forced Displacement in Germany,” Svitlana Nyzhnikova (V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University)
“Seeking Protection in the EU, Geopolitics of Migration and Migrant Refugees in Limbo of Russia-Ukraine War,” Samuel Uwem Umoh (University of Hradec Králové)
“Resilience of Ukrainian Children with SEN in the Context of War: Realities and Prospects for Development,” Olha Nabochenko, Kateryna Dovhopola, Tetyana Kostenko (NGO “Support the Child”)
5:00pm – Keynote: “Confronting Epistemic Injustice: Centering Ukraine in the Paradigm Shift in Slavic and East European Studies,” Vitaly Chernetsky (University of Kansas) [Room 220]
6:30pm – Reception and Exhibition Opening at the Spurlock Museum
7:15pm – Film Screening: The Price of Conflict, with remarks by producer Polina Herman [Spurlock Museum]
Friday, October 6, 2023
9:00 – 9:45am – Gender, Agency, and Subjectivity in Ukrainian Literature and Film and Ukraine in International Affairs
Gender, Agency, and Subjectivity in Ukrainian Literature and Film [Room 314] Moderator: Serenity Stanton Orengo (UIUC)
“The Colonial Encounter in Natalka Vorozhbyt’s “The Grain Store” (2009),” Oleksandra Wallo (University of Kansas)
“Home and Trauma: Understanding Chornobyl’s Elderly Women through Film,” Jordan Zaugg (University of Kansas)
Ukraine in International Affairs [Room 106] Moderator: Vitaly Chernetsky (University of Kansas)
“Україна під впливом «м’якої сили» демократичних та авторитарних держав (на прикладі Польщі та Росії),” Yurii Mateleshko (State Higher Educational Institution «Uzhhorod National University»)
“Toward Ever Closer Union: The War in Ukraine and its Impacts on European Union,” Oleksiy Kandyuk (Institute for Social Research “Chronos”)
10:00 – 10:45am – International Literary Encounters and Issues in Diaspora Studies
International Literary Encounters [Room 314] Moderator: Serenity Stanton Orengo (UIUC)
“The Heteroimage of Ukraine in Italian Historical Literature: Inertia and Variability,” Kseniia Konstantynenko (University of Padua)
“Found in Translation: Orwell’s “Animal Farm” in Ukrainian,” Diana Gor (Hunter College; Ukrainian Museum)
Issues in Diaspora Studies [Room 106] Moderator: Steve Witt (UIUC)
“Ukrainian Resistance: The Dissident Movement and Diaspora Support during the Soviet Union” Katerina Szylo (University of Amsterdam)
“Legacy of the Holodomor on Ukrainian Canadian Diaspora Children of Survivors,” Sophia Isajiw (University of Alberta)
10:45 – 11:15am – Coffee Break
11:15am – 12:30pm – Recontextualizing Arts in Ukraine [Room 106] Moderator: Valeria Sobol (UIUC)
“Reclaiming Ukrainian Jewish Russophone Literature of the Twentieth Century: The Case of Eduard Bagritsky and His Poem ‘The Lay of Opanas’ (1926),” Olha Khometa (University of Toronto)
“Історія єврейського (їдишського) театру в Україні,” Іринa Мелешкінa (Музей театрального, музичного та кіномистецтва України)
“Ukrainian Art in terms of the Cultural Cold War (First Foreign Tours of UkrSSR Ensembles in the 1950s),” Taras Samchuk (Ukrainian Cultural Foundation)
“Unveiling the Artistic Legacy: Exploring the Fabric Collages of Liubov Panchenko,” Nataliia Yesypenko (University of Alberta)
12:30 – 1:30pm – Lunch Break
1:30 – 2:45pm – Donbas in Literature and Film and Ukrainian Elites: Identity and Cultural Production
Donbas in Literature and Film [Room 314] Moderator: David Cooper (UIUC)
“Donbas: The Memory of Untamed Diversity,” Nataliya Shpylova-Saeed (Harvard University)
“Savur-Mohyla, as an Object of Representativeness of Ukraine in the Literary Heritage,” Mykola Bryvko (National Historical and Memorial Reserve “Bykivnyan Graves”)
“Dynamics of Attention in Iryna Tsilyk’s ‘Земля блакитна, ніби апельсин,'” Anna Lordan (Oberlin College)
Ukrainian Elites: Identity and Cultural Production [Room 106] Moderator: Markian Dobczansky (UIUC)
“Полілінгвізм українських еліт передновітнього часу і лінгвостатистика: як це поєднати?” Галина Наєнко (Київський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка)
“Дозвілля дворянства Лівобережної України першої половини ХІХ ст.: полікультурний вимір,” Олег Малишко (Дніпровський національний університет імені Олеся Гончара)
“Alienation and Scapegoating in Ivan Franko’s and Olha Kobylianska’s Epidemic Narratives (late 1870s-early 1900s),” Dmytro Yesypenko (University of Alberta)
2:45 – 3:00pm – Break
3:00 – 4:15 pm – Regional and Minority Identities in Ukraine [Room 314] Moderator: Daria Semenova (UIUC)
“Invisible and Discriminated? Non-titular Minority Experience in Post-Stalinist Lviv and Uzhhorod,” Julia Elena Grieder (University of Basel)
“Russian or Ukrainian? Building Identity in the Crimean Peninsula: 1954-1990,” Rachel Schmalz (University of Alberta)
“Krymy (Crimean Roma) and Servuria (Ukrainian Roma) as Indigenous People of Ukraine,” Mykola Homanyuk, Janush Panchenko (Kherson State University)
4:30pm – Keynote: “Does Ukraine Finally Have a History? Reflecting on Mark von Hagen’s Thoughts 28 Years Later,” Serhiy Bilenky (University of Alberta) [Lucy Ellis Lounge]
6:00pm – Dinner
7:30pm – Piano recital, Pavlo Gintov [Smith Memorial Hall]
Saturday, October 7, 2023
9:00 – 9:45am – Breakfast reception, Remarks on D. Shtohryn’s work and legacy [Room 106]
10:00 – 11:15am – From Imperial to National: Fin-de-Siècle Ukraine and Holocaust and World War Two: Memory and Research
From Imperial to National: Fin-de-Siècle Ukraine [Room 106] Moderator: Dmytro Yesypenko (University of Alberta)
“Український національний рух в Одесі на зламі 19-20 століть,” Olena Syniavska (Odesa I.I.Mechnikov National University)
“Lviv University as a Site of Interethnic Conflict before the First World War,” Sydney Shiller (University of Toronto)
“Between Imperial Situation and Nation-State. The Bolsheviks and the Making of the Ukrainian Political Space (1917-1920),” Hanna Perekhoda (University of Lausanne)
Holocaust and World War Two: Memory and Research [Room 314] Moderator: Joe Lenkart (UIUC)
“The Rescue of Jews by Priests, Monks, and Nuns of the Greek Catholic Church: The State and Prospects of Research,” Yuriy Skira (Ukrainian Catholic University)
“Between Silence and Mourning: The Representation of the Holocaust in Soviet Ukrainian Fiction of the 1940s,” Hanna Protasova (University of Western Ontario)
“Примусові працівники з України у Франконії. Про (не)видимість у місцевій культурі пам’яті (Nazi forced laborers from Ukraine in Franconia. On (In)visibility in the local culture of remembrance),” Maria Parkhomenko (Chair of Modern and East European History, FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg)
11:30am – 12:45pm – Library and Archival Collections [Room 106] Moderator: Olga Makarova (UIUC)
“Analysis of the Ukrainian-Language Collection at Duke University Libraries,” Alaina Economus (Duke University)
“Ukraine’s Jewish Heritage in the Collections of Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine: Past and Present,” Vitaly Chernoivanenko (Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine)
“Archival Collections of Ukrainica: Problems of Preservation, Research and Representation in the Digital Age,” Maryna Paliienko (Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv)
“Temporary Geography vs. National Bibliography: Rethinking Collection Development and the Delimitation of the Nation in Ukrainian/Crimean Studies Collections at the University of Illinois and Beyond,” Kit Condill (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
“Polish Libraries’ Response to Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine,” Julia Konopka-Żołnierczuk (National Library of Poland)
12:45 – 1:00pm – Closing Remarks
Olga Makarova, Conference Director (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)
Special Events
Keynote Speakers
Serhiy Bilenky, “Does Ukraine Finally Have a History? Reflecting on Mark von Hagen’s Thoughts 28 Years Later”
Serhiy Bilenky is Research Associate at the Peter Jacyk Centre for Ukrainian Historical Research at the Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, University of Alberta and the Programs Director for Harvard’s Ukrainian Summer Institute. He received Candidate of Sciences degree from Kyiv Shevchenko National University (1997) and PhD (in History) from the University of Toronto (2007). Bilenky has also taught courses on Russian, Ukrainian, and East European histories at the University of Toronto, Columbia University, and Harvard Ukrainian Summer Institute. He’s the author or editor of the following books: Mykhailo Maksymovych ta osvitni praktyky na Pravoberezhnii Ukraїni u pershii polovyni XIX stolittia (Kyiv, 1999) (coauthored with Viktor Korotkyi), Romantic Nationalism in Eastern Europe: Russian, Polish, and Ukrainian Political Imaginations (Stanford University Press, 2012), and Imperial Urbanism in the Borderlands: Kyiv, 1800-1905 (University of Toronto Press, 2018).
Vitaly Chernetsky, “Confronting Epistemic Injustice: Centering Ukraine in the Paradigm Shift in Slavic and East European Studies”
Vitaly Chernetsky is Professor of Slavic, German, and Eurasian Studies at the University of Kansas, where he teaches courses on 20th and 21st century Russian literature and culture, Ukrainian literature and culture, literary theory, Soviet and post-Soviet film, and Russian and East European science fiction. His research interests include Russian literature and culture, Ukrainian literature and culture, East and Central European literatures and cultures, and more. A native of Odesa, Professor Chernetsky completed his Ph.D. in Comparative Literature and Literary Theory at the University of Pennsylvania (1996). He is a past president of the American Association for Ukrainian Studies (2009-2018) and the current Vice President and Scholarly Secretary of the Shevchenko Scientific Society in the US.
Organizing Committee
Valeria Sobol is Professor of Slavic Languages and Literatures at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Her research interests include Russian literature and culture of the eighteenth–nineteenth centuries; nineteenth-century Ukrainian Literature; empire and the Gothic; literature and science; race in nineteenth-century Russia. She recently published her second book, Haunted Empire: Gothic and the Russian Imperial Uncanny (Northern Illinois UP, imprint of Cornell UP, 2020). The book explores the connection between the Gothic mode in Russian literature of the period and its imperial context.
Dr. Oleksandra Wallo is Associate Professor of Slavic, German, and Eurasian Studies at the University of Kansas, as well as the Director of Graduate Studies and the Director of the KU Summer Language Institute in Lviv, Ukraine. Her research interests involve twentieth and twenty-first century Ukrainian Women’s Writing; Nationalism Studies; Women’s Studies; Post-Colonial Approaches in Post-Soviet Studies ; Second Language Studies (Slavic Languages Pedagogy, Acquisition of The Ukrainian Case Systems, Processing Instruction).
Dr. Dmitry Tartakovsky is the Managing Editor of Slavic Review. He has a BS in history from Bradley University, an MA in Russian and Balkan history from Arizona State University, and a PhD in Russian and Balkan history from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. His prior work has included stints as political officer for the Department of State, Balkan analyst for the Department of Defense, and South Slavic specialist for the Slavic Reference Service at the UIUC Library.
Daria Semenova is a Pre-Doc Fellow in the Department of the Slavic Languages and Literatures at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, as well as a teaching assistant in Ukrainian and an editorial assistant at the Slavic Review. Her dissertation illustrates how authors of adventure stories written in Ukrainian, Polish, and Russian in 1920-50s used and adapted the existing clichés of this formulaic genre to suit the ideological needs of the imagined community.
Olga Makarova is a research specialist with the Slavic Reference Service at the University of Illinois. She has experience in library reference, acquisitions, technical services, and instruction. Olga’s research interests include US-Soviet library relations, women’s studies, and DH.
At the University of Illinois: Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures · University of Illinois Library · European Union Center · Humanities Research Institute · School of Languages, Cultures, and Literatures · Women & Gender in Global Perspectives Program · Department of Political Science · Program in Jewish Culture & Society · Center for Global Studies · Department of History · iSchool · Illinois International · Russian, East European, and Eurasian Center · Gies Business
External: Київський національний університет імени Тараса Шевченка · The Heritage Foundation of 1st Security Federal Savings Bank